Malcolm first contributed to KCML as part of the team that hosted and taught the Knox Music Scholarships from 2008 to 2012. Malcolm was a parish minister in the Bay of Plenty from 2008 to 2012. He has been involved in teaching the KCML worship course of the Ministry Internship since 2013, first alongside the Very Rev Dr Graham Redding (2013-2014), and then the Rev Dr Mark Johnstone (2015-2019). From 2014 to 2019, Malcolm worked for the Knox Centre as the Worship, Music and Arts Enabler, encouraging creativity throughout the church, and pioneering such projects as the Illustrated Gospel Projects (illustratedgospel.org.nz). Since his role concluded, Malcolm has been working on his doctoral studies at the University of Otago, while continuing as an adjunct lecturer at KCML, continuing to teach the Transforming Worship course, and more recently, taking up the Reformed and Presbyterian Christianity course as well. Malcolm also teaches on worship at Laidlaw College and Carey Baptist College. He is a songwriter and liturgist, and he and his family worship at Flagstaff Community Church in Dunedin. The twilight cricket team that Malcolm captains made it through the 2020/2021 season undefeated in the social grade.