
Rev Dr Geoff New
B Min (BCNZ), D Min (ACT)
Phone: 0274 416 970
Staff Page
Geoff New commenced as Dean of Studies in 2015. He was appointed Principal in 2022. His employment background was as an Employment Officer (Dept of Labour) in South Auckland and working in Human Resources for the Manukau Housing Corporation. In 1993, Geoff began his study for Bachelor of Ministries majoring in pastoral care at the Bible College of NZ (now Laidlaw College). In 1996-1997 he attended the School of Ministry (Knox College) as one of the first three ordinands in the newly developed Ordination Studies Programme. In 1997 Geoff was called to Papakura East and Hunua Presbyterian Church where he was minister until appointed Dean of Studies (KCML). During his time at Papakura East, Geoff was also a Police Chaplain for five years for the Counties-Manukau Police District, lectured in preaching for five years at Laidlaw College, lectured on occasions at Carey Baptist College and since 2011 has been a trainer for Langham Preaching ( with responsibility in South Asia. Since 2012 he has been the director for Kiwimade Preaching ( which is the NZ expression of Langham Preaching. Kiwimade Preaching aims to encourage, challenge and resource preachers within the NZ context. Geoff was awarded a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2011 through the Australian College of Theology. His thesis was entitled: “Back to the Future: The impact of the ancient disciplines of Lectio Divina and Ignatian Gospel Contemplation on contemporary preaching.” Geoff is married to Ruth. They have three adult children: Rebekah (married to James), Josiah and Luke. Geoff enjoys indoor rowing, biking, silent retreats and movies (not silent).
Geoff has authored three books:
Imaginative Preaching: Praying the Scriptures so God Can Speak Through You
Live, Listen, Tell: The Art of Preaching
Echoes: the Lord’s Prayer in the Preacher’s Life
Dean of Studies

Dr Rev Ivan Martinez
M Div – Duke Divinity, D Mins – Fuller Theological Seminary
Ivan joined KCML in January 2024 as Dean of Studies. Originally from the USA, Ivan migrated to Aotearoa in 2012. A committed life long learner, Ivan has undertaken study in ministry, theology, international relations, and social work. A graduate of Duke Divinity School (M.Div), Ivan’s most recent academic work culminated in a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary. Ivan has served churches in the USA, Japan, and New Zealand. Most recently he was the minister of Somervell Memorial Presbyterian Church in Remuera, Auckland. Additionally, Ivan has served as a director of various schools, charities, and non-profit organisations. Ivan is married to Amanda, a school counsellor, and has three children. Ezra, Elias, and Noa. Ivan loves to travel, read, and watch sci-fi movies.
Phone: 022 1909 499
Lecturer/Ministry Formation Coordinator

Dr Rev Andrew Nicol
PhD Theology (Otago)
Phone 027 919 2191
Andrew began at KCML in July, 2023 as lecturer and formation studies coordinator. He comes to KCML with a passion for theological formation and he is committed to the equipping of the whole people of God in their calling. Andrew has relished undertaking theological education in a variety of contexts over the last thirty years including time at Te Nikau Bible Training Centre and the Bible College of New Zealand (now Laidlaw College). Between 2006 and 2012 Andrew completed a Post-Graduate Diploma and PhD in Theology at the University of Otago. As a trained teacher he was the Head of Religious Studies at St. Bede’s Prep School in East Sussex from 2002-2006, and most recently teacher and chaplain at John McGlashan College in Dunedin. From 2013 until his return to Dunedin in 2022, Andrew was the minister at St Margaret’s Presbyterian Church in Bishopdale, Christchurch, at which time he taught Christology for Laidlaw College for several years and assisted in a variety of capacities in Alpine Presbytery. Andrew is married to Charissa and they have four children—Elliot, Theo, Eliana and Abrielle. He is a keen supporter at any of the children’s many activities, is the self-designated ‘glory cook’ in the Nicol household, and loves travel.
Exodus and Resurrection: The God of Israel in the Theology of Robert W. Jenson. Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2016.
“Why Do Humans Die?: An Exploration of the Necessity of Death in the Theology of Robert Jenson with Reference to Karl Barth’s Discussion of ‘Ending Time.’” In Trinitarian Theology after Barth, edited by Myk Habets and Phillip Tolliday, 1st ed., 241–54. The Lutterworth Press, 2011.
‘A Letter from New Zealand,’ Reform Magazine, United Reform Church UK, July 2019.
Lecturer/Ministry Formation Coordinator

Rev Sebastian Murrihy
Phone: 027 343 9369
Sebastian commenced his role with KCML as a lecturer/ministry formation coordinator in 2023. He undertook a Bachelor of Theology in 2007 at Laidlaw College and then completed his Master of Theology in 2013. In 2014, Sebastian was called to East Taieri Church as an Associate Pastor. He then became an intern at KCML in 2018-2019. At the end of 2019, he was called as the minister to Knox Presbyterian Church Waitara in the beautiful region of Taranaki. He is now half-time with KCML and continues as half-time minister at Knox Church Waitara. Sebastian is passionate about ministry and theological formation and is enjoying the opportunity to help train and equip the whole church community for ministry. Sebastian is married to Jessica, and they have three energetic and lively children: Elias, Isaiah, and Micah. As a family, they enjoy tramping and have tackled some tough walks together. Sebastian enjoys running for fitness, playing sport, and reading.
‘New Zealand Baptists and the Great Depression of 1929-35: How the Baptists Responded during a Time of National Economic Distress.’ The Pacific Journal of Baptist Research 7, no. 2 (October 2011): 39-54.
‘An “event” of the Word: toward a theology of preaching through the lens of Karl Barth.’ Stimulus 20, no. 3 (November, 2013): 12-19.
‘The Transforming Word.’ Stimulus 25, no. 1 (July, 2018).
‘Pastor as Poet in the Time of the Pandemic: Exploring a Pastoral Image through Amy Plantinga Pauw’s Wisdom Ecclesiology.’ Stimulus 28, no.2 (December 2021).
Management Support Officer

Rev Dr Darryl Tempero
Ph: 027 556 0055
Staff Page
Darryl commenced his role with KCML in January 2021. He has comprehensive experience in a wide-range of PCANZ ministry contexts. He has had well over 30 years’ experience in local, presbytery, and national roles. Darryl planted Kiwi Church (Christchurch) nine years ago and continues to lead there. Since 2011, Darryl has also been a resource minister for Alpine Presbytery.He has served on the KCML Advisory Board, and more recently convened the principal’s support group. Darryl is currently the convenor for LSC. He has relinquished this role to take up the position at KCML. Darryl lectures in formation at Laidlaw College (Christchurch). He was awarded his DMin with distinction from Fuller Theological College in 2017. As Management Support Officer, Darryl works closely with the KCML Dean of Studies/Acting Principal. This role demands a unique mix of gifts and skills for assisting in: the management of KCML; supporting the work of formation of interns; and development of the wider leadership of the PCANZ.
Presbyterian Youth Ministry – National Youth Director

Matt Chamberlin
GradDip Theology, PGDip Counselling, BHSc (Physiotherapy)
Ph: 021 721 700 ;
Matt Chamberlin is the National Youth Director for the Presbyterian Church. He has been involved in youth work for nearly 20 years working as a youth pastor, youth worker in schools and as a General Manager of a Christian youth work agency. He finds great synergy in the way that his interests in youth work, counselling, science and theology can complement each other as we wrestle with how to build the church in the 21st century. Matt is married to Stephanie and they have two nearly-teenaged daughters Hannah and Lila. He loves the outdoors, chocolate and bouncing his daughters on their trampoline. As the volunteer key leader of his church’s youth and young adults ministry Matt is enjoying putting into practice locally some of the ideas he encourages nationally
Presbyterian Children & Families Ministry – Director

Karo Wilson – (BTheol)
027 274 3322 ;
Karo has worked for PCFM since 2022, initially as Associate Director, before taking over the role of Director in 2023.
Originally from Oamaru, Karo’s first ministry role was as youth worker for Calvin Community Church (Gore), where she developed a passion for community outreach. Her time in Gore also saw her working for a local Youth Trust, and Early Childhood centre, which helped develop her skill set working with young people of all ages and diverse backgrounds.
In 2018, Karo returned to Oamaru, to take up the Youth and Children’s pastor role at Waiareka-Weston Presbyterian Church. She has also studied via distance learning at Otago University, completing a Bachelor of Theology (majoring in Christian Thought and History) in 2019.
Karo is passionate about helping young people discover who Jesus is, and finding their place within God’s family, and in His Big Story. She enjoys creating resources that help lead children and families into deeper conversations about God, Jesus and what faith looks like in our lives.
Alongside her role at PCFM, Karo continues to works part time at Waiareka-Weston Presbyterian, focusing on chaplaincy at the local primary school, and other community-based children’s ministry.
In other areas of her life, Karo is a passionate (and somewhat competitive) quizzer, enjoys performing in stage productions with local theatre companies, and plays drums in a local pipe band.

Susan Peters
Susan began on a casual basis at KCML in March 2017 assisting Registrar, Catherine Van Dorp prior to her departure the month following. The role has changed a little since Catherine left, with much of the financial reporting and processing now handled by our Wellington office. Susan works 18 hours per week (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday) and undertakes a variety of administrative duties. With a background in banking, finance and administration, the position and hours of work were a good fit for Susan and KCML. She lives locally with her partner David, and two teenage children, Cameron and Darcy, and spends a good portion of her two days off per week volunteering, organising and attending events associated with her son’s school and musical pursuit’s and daughters school, sporting, and dance activities.
Phone: 027 366 1340
Postal address
Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership, Arden Street, Opoho, Dunedin 9010.