Ministers’ Study Grants
Are you a Presbyterian minister planning on further study? Do you know that you can apply for a study grant from the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership?
Applications are invited in June and October each year. Your programme of study will need to be approved by Presbytery and you will need to be a minister in good standing of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Click here for the guidelines for applying for a study grant.
Click here for the application form.
Enquiries can be directed to the Registrar
Begg Dickie Scholarship
We are pleased to announce modifications to the Begg Dickie Scholarship. This Scholarship is supported by the William Catherine Begg and John Dickie Memorial Scholarships and other legacies the church has received to support further study by those graduating from the Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership. The Scholarship is available to any graduate from KCML.
Applications are invited which enhance the diversity and mission of the PCANZ.
The scholarship is awarded for a term of three years.
We encourage any minister who has graduated from KCML to consider further study and applying for funding support, particularly applications that will enhance diversity of PCANZ and its mission scholarship. The scholarship is offered once a year, applications to be received by 28th March.
Click here for application guidelines and regulations.
Thornton Blair International Travelling Scholarship Fund
Take notice that on the 11th day of December 2024 a Scheme prepared under section 6 of the Presbyterian Church Property Amendment Act 1996 was submitted to a Commission of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand in relation to a charitable trust created by bequest from Rev Robert Blair to The Presbyterian Church Property Trustees.
The purpose of the Thornton-Blair International Travelling Scholarship Fund in Christian Education and Social Science was to use income from the fund to provide scholarships to assist graduate students ordinarily resident in New Zealand training for service (whether lay or clerical) to pursue postgraduate studies outside New Zealand within the fields Christian Education and Social Science with the object of helping to provide enlightened consecrated advance leadership in New Zealand in the fields of Christian Education and Social Science.
Based on the very limited interest in graduate students pursuing post-graduate studies overseas, the Trustees are of the view that it has become impossible or impracticable or inexpedient to carry out the object or purpose of the trust on which any trust property is held. The Trustees are also of the view that the amount of any trust property available (being approximately $160,000) is inadequate to carry out the object or purpose on which the trust property is held.
The scheme proposes to amend that purpose to provide for scholarships from both the capital and income of the Scholarship Fund for the purposes of assisting those:
- Training for ministry leadership (both lay and ordained) within the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and those undertaking further study, and
- In the areas of Children and Family Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Social Services Ministry, and
- With a preference (but not a requirement) for study or training overseas.
This notice is given by The Presbyterian Church Property Trustees pursuant to section 10 of the Presbyterian Church Property Amendment Act 1996 and is dated the 11th day of December 2024.
Any person who wants to oppose the Scheme may, no later than 60 days after the date of publication (16th February 2025), lodge with the Commission written objections to the Scheme or make written representations concerning the Scheme to the Commission.
Written objections or representations must be sent to the Assembly Executive Secretary at or PO Box 9049, Te Aro, Wellington 6141.
Further particulars may be obtained from the office of The Presbyterian Church Property Trustees at