How can God build a tapestry of love online through skilled leadership?
Steve Taylor, from KCML, interviews Rev Jill McDonald, from St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Hastings about her leadership of Sacred Space Whakamoemiti.

Why did she take this short midweek prayer service online, and what was the result? What has been learnt?
The interview outlines five practices for cultivating safe and prayerful space online.
Download a summary of Jill’s insights here
Thornton Blair Research on Life Long Learning
This research was conducted by Dr Rosemary Dewerse in 2018. Rosemary interviewed 55 ministers about their life long learning needs. You can access the full report here.
KCML Snapshots in Mission Lent-inar (2018)
During Lent 2018, KCML offered (free) web-inars. Weekly, two of the contributors to Snapshots in Mission were interviewed via online video conferencing. What sparked their writing? What piece of music speaks to their article? What are the implications, for church, ministry and mission?
You can download your copy of Snapshots in Mission here.
Public Lectures/Discussion Papers
- Stephen Garner, Contextual and Public Theology: Passing Fads or Theological Imperatives?and Inaugural Lecture – Accompanying Slides Inaugural Lecture and Slides, 2015.
- Paul Fiddes, ‘God and Story in the Church and in Doctrine: the relationship between systematic theology and “everyday” theology’. Public seminar, 2014. (Outline)
- Tim Keel, ‘Leadership, Location and the Reclamation of Love’, Inaugural Lecture, 2014.
- Kevin Ward, ‘Cultural diversity and unity in Christ: the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand in a land of many cultures’, 2013.
- Wayne Te Kaawa, ‘Ko Te Amorangi Ki Mua, Ko Te Hapai O Ki Muri’, Inaugural Lecture, 2013. [Audio]
- Jason Goroncy, ‘Mission and the Priesthood of Christ’, An address to the elders of the Southern Presbytery, 2012.
- Mark Johnston, ‘Uneasy Rider ? The Challenge to a Ministry of Word and Sacrament in a Post-Christendom Missional Climate’, Inaugural Lecture, 2012.
- Lynne Baab, ‘Theology and the Visual Image’, Inaugural Lecture, 2011.
- Jason Goroncy, ‘Learning to See and to Waddle with our Tongues: a view from the Table’, Inaugural Lecture, 2010.
- Kevin Ward, ‘It Might Be Emerging, But Is It Church?’, Inaugural Lecture, 2009.
- Murray Rae, ‘The Liturgical Shape of Christian Life’, Inaugural Lecture, 2008.
Study Guides
- The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand: A Brief History, 2012
- Pastoral Care Handbook, 2012
- Thinking About the Language We Use in Worship, 2011
- A Handbook for Elders, 2011 (with updated Code of Ethics as at June 2020)
- Leadership Handbook, 2011
Study Leave Reports
These study reports are written by PCANZ ministers as part of Presbytery approved study leave.
- Alistair McBride, A New World: Towards a Postmodern Pastoral Practice (1992)
- Viv Coleman, ‘The Eldership: Yesterday, Today and Forever?’ (2003)
- Viv Coleman, ‘Faith, Family and Fire Insurance: A Reflection on Convergence in Attitudes and Practice of Christian Initiation in Three Church Traditions‘ (2005)
- Rose Luxford, ‘Insights into Questions about Death, and Ministers and Grief‘ (2008)
- Robyn McPhail, ‘Theological Reflection on Sustainable Farming and Sustainable Rural Communities‘ (2008)
- Alan Judge, ‘Perspectives on Christian Leadership‘ (2009)
- Alistair McBride, An Exploration of the Circles of Trust model for Leadership Development (2009)
- Geoffrey Skilton, ‘Ordination in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand 1900–2010: a reflection on theology and practice from a historical perspective‘ (2010)
- Jim Wallace, ‘A Guide for the Perplexed – The Implications of Recent Developments in Science for Christianity‘ (2011)
- Ian Hyslop, ‘Mission, Team Leadership and Preaching – Worship for the under 50s‘ (2011)
- Talosaga Su’a, ‘Pacific Island Youth Today: Questions some are asking‘ (2011)
- Sylvia Miller-Hardie, ‘Prayer in the Life of Jesus‘ (2012)
- David Coster, ‘A Journey towards Retirement and the Third Age‘ (2012)
- Gene Lawrence, ‘Leadership in Congregations‘ (2012)
- Philippa Horrex, ‘Care of the Pastor’s Soul‘ (2012)
- Wayne Matheson, ‘Together in Mission‘ (2012)
- Kevin Finlay, ‘Coming to Christian Faith in New Zealand in the 21st Century‘ (2012)
- Nathan Parry, ‘Pilgrimage and Festival‘ (2012)
- Heather Kennedy, ‘Southland Presbytery since 1990 – Survival v Mission or Procrastination unto Death (2013)
- Andrew Norton, ‘The Poet Leader‘ (2013)
- Ronald Lau’ese, ‘Who is God for me, now? What is prayer for me, now? And How do I find spiritual refreshment? (2014)
- Martin Macaulay, ‘Leadership Booklet 2014’‘ (2014)
- Reuben Hardie, ‘Pilgrimage to Israel‘ (2014)
- Heather Kennedy, ‘Multi-Parish Ministry for Presbyterian Parishes in Southland’ (2014)
- Hyeeun Kim, ‘Parenting Experiences of 1.5 Generation Kowi Parents‘ (2014) PhD Thesis for The University of Auckland – uploaded with permission from the author
- Robyn McPhail, ‘Holding on to Hope‘ (2014) Report from the Malawi Conference may be accessed here. To obtain a hard copy, available for $20, please email Robyn
- Peter Bristow, The World on our Doorstep (2014)
- Alistair McNaughton, Fresh Expression of Christian Faith (2015)
- Susan Jones, Five Years On….Timaru Presbyterian Parish (2015)
- Kevyn Harris, Missional Church Comparisons and Reflections on the 3DM and Missional Network models (2015)
- Richard McLean ‘Leadership Central‘ (2015)
- Martin Baker ‘Leaving and Arriving‘ (2015)
- Hamish Galloway ‘Hope Springs – Empowering the Next Generation‘ (2015)
- Brent Richardson ‘A Traveler’s Guide to Church Growth‘ (2016)
- Glynn Cardy LiberalProgressive Presbyterian & Congregational Churches (2016)
- Lorne Campbell The Value and Place of a Short Term Gospel Focussed Missions’ Trip
- Margaret Garland Music and Worship 2017
- Peter McKenzie Re-weaving threads of member identity following a church merger
- Caleb Hardie Exile and the Pandemic (2021)
- Nick McLennan Monasatic House Internship as a Model for Developing Youth Leaders (2022)
- Richard Gray Ministry – Work & Retirement
- Grant Ridout What are Millennial and Gen Z Perceptions of the Culture of Northern Presbytery
- Ryhan Prasad – What will we look like in 30 years
- Phyllis Harris – Given A Voice to Speak – Breaking the Silence of Childhood Sexual Abuse
- Rory Grant – Who am I As a Pakeha Christian In Aotearoa?
- Marty Redhead (2024) – Faith, Hope, and Shadowfeet: a paper on the relationship between the Evangelical church and the LGBTQIA+ community